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Benefits of Apana Mudra and How to Do it By Dr. Ankit Sankhe


Mudra science is an ancient science that is known to connect certain energy flows in the mind-body system. Mudras are emotional, psychic, aesthetic and devotional gestures practised by yogis since ages. In Sanskrit, ‘mudra’ means a gesture or ‘attitude’. A mudra may involve the whole body in a combination of asanas and pranayamas or it can be a simple hand posture. The Hatha Yoga Pradipika and other classic texts describe mudras as an independent branch of yoga requiring subtle awareness. The Gherand Samhita, an ancient Sanskrit text of yoga, mentions 25 mudras which are classified under five different categories like yogic, spiritual, curative, customary and religious mudras. In this article, we will explore the health benefits of one such mudra, apana mudra.1,2 

What is Apana Mudra? 

Apana mudra is included in the curative mudra category and is a hand gesture done to exert control on excretory and reproductive organs. In Indian philosophy, there are five main channels of the body’s vital air or energies called ’prana’ (one of which is apana).  It is responsible for the processes taking place in the lower body, like defecation, urination and menstruation. Apana mudra is also called the mudra of digestion.2, 3 

How to do it? 

Apana mudra must be done correctly for maximum health benefits. One may perform apana mudra in the following manner: 

  • First, sit in a comfortable position, either cross-legged in padmasana or on your knees in vajrasana. 
  • Next, place your palms on your legs facing upwards. 
  • Now, join the tips of your middle and ring fingers of each hand to the tip of the thumb of the respective hand. 
  • The other two fingers of each hand will remain straight. Apply slight pressure on the tips of the middle and ring fingers and thumb. 
  • Breathe normally while performing this mudra.4 

Do you know? 

  • It is believed that practising a mudra properly may help in awakening the Goddess sleeping at the door of Lord Brahma, the creator of the universe. Mudras are believed to be the key to good health. 
  • Apana mudra is known to balance the root chakra and awaken the energy which helps us live our lives. 
  • In Hindu rituals, apana mudra is also a way of offering ‘naivedyam’ (food given during worship to God). 
  • Apana mudra is also known as the purification mudra, as its regular practice regulates excretion and urination well.  

Benefits of Apana Mudra:  

Keeping the origin and history in mind, let us now discuss some benefits of apana mudra. Enlisted below are a few health benefits of apana mudra: 

Benefit of apana mudra in irritable bowel syndrome 

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a common disorder affecting the stomach and intestines. In Ayurveda, there are five major life forces (vayus), namely samana, apana, prana, vyana and udana. Out of these, samana is responsible for digestion and balancing apana and prana. IBS is characterized by an imbalance in apana which results in an imbalance in abdominal contractility and result in diarrhoea or constipation. Kavuri et al. conducted a study in 2022 showing that the practice of apana mudra helps in controlling excretory functions and may normalize diarrhoea or constipation, which may help manage IBS. However, it is advised not to consider the practice of apana mudra as an alternative to modern medicine. So, it is better to take a professional opinion for any IBS symptoms. Additionally, you should practice this mudra strictly under the guidance of a qualified trainer.3 

Benefit of apana mudra in diabetes  

Literature studies show that the practice of asanas, pranayamas and mudras may help manage diabetes. Kumar et al. conducted a review in 2022; the findings of this review show that the practice of apana mudra may help manage diabetes. The exact mechanism behind this effect is not clear and it is, therefore, advised to consult a doctor for the proper treatment of diabetes and not rely on this mudra alone. Additionally, the practice of apana mudra should be strictly done under the supervision of a qualified trainer.4 

Benefit of apana mudra in cardiac diseases 

Due to a sedentary lifestyle, long periods of inactivity and underlying diseases like diabetes have increased the risk of cardiac diseases. Kumar et al. in 2022 conducted a review that showed the practice of apana mudra may help reduce the risk of cardiac diseases. It may also help in managing common cardiac complaints like chest pain. Thus, the practice of apana mudra may help manage cardiac diseases. However, it is advised to consult your doctor for their proper management and practice apana mudra under the supervision of a qualified trainer only.4 

Benefit of apana mudra on the excretory system 

The human excretory system plays an important role in removing unnecessary waste materials from the body. A review was conducted by Kumar et al. in 2022, which states that apana mudra or the mudra of digestion, plays a vital role in the regulation of the excretory system. However, there are limited studies that claim these results, so you should not rely on this mudra alone and consult a doctor for proper treatment of any disorders of the excretory system. Additionally, it is best to practice this mudra under the supervision of a qualified trainer.4 


Benefit of apana mudra on physical fitness 

Physical fitness, which is described as a state of health and well-being, includes not only a strong muscular system (muscular fitness) but also the ability of the heart and lungs to perform various activities (cardiovascular endurance). James et al. in 2002 conducted a review, and the findings of this review show that the practice of hatha yoga may improve muscular fitness, flexibility, endurance and cardiovascular endurance. This indicates that apana mudra, which is part of hatha yoga, may positively impact physical fitness. Additionally, the practice of this mudra should be done strictly under the guidance of a qualified trainer.5 

Other benefits of Apana Mudra:4 

  • The practice of apana mudra helps in managing piles. 
  • The practice of apana mudra may help in relieving vomiting. 
  • Apana mudra may be helpful for pregnant women in smooth and easy childbirth. 
  • Apana mudra practice may have a positive impact on menstruation and may help in reducing abdominal cramps and weakness. 

Note- The benefits mentioned above of apana mudra are studied in a limited human population. To ascertain these claims in humans, more studies are required.  

Although the practice of Yoga may help in the development of the mind and body, however, you should not consider yoga as an alternative to modern medicine. It is advised not to rely on Yoga alone to treat any condition. Kindly consult a qualified doctor for proper treatment. Additionally, any asana practice should be done under the supervision of a qualified trainer. 

Risks of Apana Mudra: 

As mudras are practised along with yogasanas, the precautions of yoga asanas may also apply to the practice of mudras. While performing apana mudra, consideration needs to be taken when: 

  • Performing this mudra in children and the elderly as there is limited data regarding the safety of this mudra in these special groups 
  • Performing this mudra after heavy meals 
  • Practising this mudra on an uneven surface 

As mudras are practised along with yogasanas, the contraindications of yoga asanas may also apply to the practice of mudras. They are listed below: 

  • In the state of illness 
  • Surgery or any injuries 
  • In extreme weather conditions like too hot or too cold 


Apana mudra is included in the curative mudra category and is a hand gesture done to exert control on excretory and reproductive organs. In Indian philosophy, there are five main channels of prana (body’s vital air or energies or vayus), one of which is apana which is responsible for downward activities of the body like defecation, urination and menstruation. Apana mudra is also called the mudra of digestion. The practice of this mudra may have a positive impact on physical fitness, diabetes, irritable bowel syndrome, cardiac diseases, excretory system, menstruation, vomiting, piles, etc. 

Frequently Asked Questions: 

Which mudra is known as the mudra of digestion? 
Apana mudra is known as the mudra of digestion.2 
Which chakras are activated by the practice of apana mudra? 
The practice of apana mudra may help in stimulating the Muladhara chakra (root chakra). 
Does apana mudra benefit constipation? 
Yes, the practice of apana mudra may benefit constipation. However, you should not rely on this asana alone and consult your doctor for proper management of constipation.3
Is it safe to practice apana mudra by the elderly? 
There is limited information regarding the safety of apana mudra in the elderly. It is therefore advised to consult your doctor for proper guidance. 
Does apana mudra benefit hair growth? 
Yes, the practices of certain asanas, pranayamas and mudras are known to positively impact hair growth. However, there are no studies conducted to assess the effect of apana mudra on hair growth. Thus, you should not rely on this asana alone and consult your doctor for proper management of hair loss.


  1. Satyananda Saraswati. Asana, pranayama, mudra bandha. Yoga Publications Trust, 2013.   Available at:  
  1. Sunitha S et al. Mudra therapy and its classification – IJHSR (2023). Available at:   
  1. Kavuri et al. Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Yoga as Remedial Therapy. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Ecam. 2015; 2015:398156. Available at: 
  1. Kumar, S.N., Venu, A. and Jaya, M.H. (2022) Effect of yoga mudras in improving the health of users: A precautionary measure practice in daily life for resisting the deadly covid-19 disease, Lessons from COVID-19. Edited by A. Kaklauskas et al. U.S. National Library of Medicine. Available at: 
  1. Raub JA. Psychophysiologic effects of Hatha Yoga on musculoskeletal and cardiopulmonary function: a literature review. The Journal of Alternative & Complementary Medicine. 2002 Dec 1; 8(6):797-812. Available at: 
  1. Ministry, Y.A, Do’s and Don’ts of Yoga practice. Available at:

Disclaimer: The information included at this site is for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment by a healthcare professional. Because of unique individual needs, the reader should consult their physician to determine the appropriateness of the information for the reader’s situation

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