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Benefits of Ustrasana (Camel Pose) and How to Do it By Dr. Ankit Sankhe



Yoga has evolved 5000 years ago from the Indus valley (current day Pakistan), the earliest known human civilization. The renowned Hindu philosopher and yoga teacher, Patanjali, mentioned the philosophy of classical yoga in his text “Yoga Sutra”. “Yoga sutra” is believed to have a history between 200 BC and 300 AD. Yoga is a treasure of physical and mental techniques that can help maintain holistic health.

Nowadays, yoga has become a symbol of standard living and has become tremendously popular since its entry into the western world. Swami Vivekananda’s efforts to spread Eastern Hindu philosophy in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century led to the acceptance of yoga in the West.

Adopting and maintaining particular bodily postures and the related regulated breathing methods are the cornerstones of yoga practice. People are more concerned about their well-being now than ever before. Therefore, asanas are popular for maintaining overall health. It has been demonstrated that the hormonal profile is balanced and glandular activity is boosted after performing the asanas.2 

Ustrasana, one of the hath yoga asanas, helps rejuvenate the body and undo the daily damage done by a sedentary lifestyle. Continue reading to know all about it!  

What is Ustrasana?  


‘Ustra’ means camel and ‘asana’ means posture or seat. Therefore, Ustrasana is often referred to as the camel pose.3  

Camel Pose or Ustrasana is a chest-opening backbend that is energizing and beneficial. It is a wonderful addition to your sequence since it prevents slouching and eases lower back stiffness.4 

The camel pose yoga allows spine extension without supporting body weight with your arm, unlike chakrasana (wheel pose). The wheel pose is a total body stretch backbend posture that requires more stamina and determination. The camel pose is friendlier and more accessible to yoga learners, especially beginners.5 


keeping a pillow below the knees is advised as Ustrasana can cause discomfort in the knees.  It is important to take deep and slow breaths while approaching the backbend. 

 Ustrasana has seven variations:6 

  • Ustrasana with feet on bolster: The toes tucked in the bolster will help in reaching the feet without crunching the lower back in this variation.  
  • Ustrasana with feet on a chair: This is another variation is for those who find it difficult to reach their feet. The toes are tucked on the underside of a folded chair.  
  • Ustrasana with a block at your feet: Placing a block between your feet and squeezing it with the ankles helps to activate the hips and lower spine, stabilizing the posture. 
  • Ustrasana with a shoulder strap: Using a strap or belts across the shoulders and bolsters on calves helps to open your chest and shoulders. 
  • Ustrasana against a wall: Placing the shoulder on the top of a folder chair with knees facing the wall help in moving your back ribs and shoulder blades into your body. 
  • Ustrasana at the wall with a chair: Pressing the chair against different parts of the back and legs, like the shoulder blade, back of ribs, thighs, and knees, can support and help in awakening the back. 
  • Ardh-Ustrasana or half-camel pose: One can also practice yoga with one hand touching the heels while the other is towards the ceiling or sky. 


How to do it? 

We must follow proper techniques to perform the camel pose to obtain maximum health benefits. It is essential to maintain breathing and refrain from putting any strain or load on the lumbar region of the spine i.e., the lower back area. Bhujangasana (Cobra pose), Salabhasana (Locust pose), Anjaneyasana (Low lunges), Setu Bhandha Sarvangasana (Bridge pose), Urdhva Mukha Shvansana (upward facing dog pose) can be performed as preparatory poses before approaching Ustrasana.4 

The steps to do the camel pose are as follows:3,5 

  • Kneel with your thighs parallel to the ground keeping your upper body in a vertical position. 
  • Put cushions or pads below your knees if they are sensitive. 
  • Use your hands to push up the rib cage with your thumb resting on the back of the ribs while your four fingers are wrapped around the side of your ribcage. 
  • The toes should be pressed gently on the floor with the feet positioned in the back. 
  • Inhale and extend backward from the pelvis to head. 
  • Exhale and take your right hand back and hold the heel or block. 
  • Repeat the same step with your left hand. 
  • Lift the chest and curl the shoulders in the backward position. 
  • Extend your neck to the maximum length. 
  • Breathing should be deep and slow. 
  • Hold the position for a few breaths before exiting the camel pose. 

Avoid crunching the lower back and squeezing the buttocks. Knees should only be opened up to hips’ width. Ustrasana or camel pose should be performed in the presence of a trained yoga practitioner.4 


Do You Know 

It is interesting to know that our body posture in Ustrasana specifically resembles a camel hump. The camel hump is used as food storage ready to use when required. This natural adaptation by camels is important for survival.  

Regular practice of ustrasana helps in increasing lung capacity and improving spine strength. Ustrasana might be an adaptation for preparation is essential for humans during their lifetime. 

It is well-known that camels move in a slow and steady manner. Similarly, one can discover the benefits of the ustrasana safely by advancing slowly and carefully rather than attempting to rush into it.6 


Benefits of Ustrasana 

The Ustrasana can have several benefits. Some of them are mentioned below: 


1. Benefits of Ustrasana for singers 

The most important part of the body involved in singing is throat and chest. A throat muscle called larynx, houses the vocal cord, which allows us to change the pitch while singing. Since ustrasana may help in expansion of rib cage and greater breath control, it may be considered a singer-benefitting asana. Effects may help singers to balance the abdominal and thoracic pressure to sing the full set of musical notes in a single breath. Hutton, 2013, in his research paper, mentioned that an intense stretch of the oesophagus with a flexible spine during Ustrasana may also benefit singers.3   

2. Benefits of Ustrasana in improving posture 

Most people spend their day sitting down or slouching and bending their spine forward. While performing the ustrasana, the frontal regions of the body, especially the chest, belly and quadriceps, are stretched which may help improve the posture of the body. The camel pose may also help increase spinal mobility by flexing the back in the opposite direction.5 

3. Benefits of Ustrasana in increasing the flow of oxygen 

Dipak Kr Halder conducted a study on ‘Energy expenditure during Ustrasana’. He examined the metabolic changes during the camel pose and compared it with the supine posture (lying on the back facing the sky or ceiling). Halder concluded that there was an increase in oxygen consumption from 14.18% to 293%, i.e., approximately by 86.6 %, while performing ustrasana. The carbon dioxide output was also increased. These data suggest that camel pose or ustrasana may allow lung expansion due to increased consumption of oxygen. The expanded lungs can help in increasing the volume of oxygen. This leads to an increase the oxygen flow in the body. Increase in oxygen flow help in respiratory rate and reduce the efforts required by our body to put into breathing.2 

4. Benefits of Ustrasana in opening the chest and abdomen 

The major goal of Ustrasana is focusing on the breath. Practising ustrasana stretches the chest and may help in opening the thoracic cavity. The thoracic cavity includes the organs and tissues above the diaphragm and below the neck like lungs, trachea, heart, oesophagus, etc.  The slow and deep breaths during the camel pose can help the person familiarize sensations of thoracic muscles like heart-beat and lung expansion. Camel pose may also give suitable stretching to the abdomen and its side resulting in opening of muscles that are often tight due to our sedentary lifestyle.3,5 

5. Benefits of Ustrasana in strengthening the overall muscles of the body 

The camel pose might be useful for stretching and extending the front, back and neck muscles of the body. It strengthens the chest, abdomen and quadriceps muscles and tones the glutes and hamstrings (back of thigh) muscles. Ustrasana may allow the cervical tension to be reduced while stretching the neck in the backbend. It may also aid in strengthening the shoulders, arms, back, and legs muscles. This may help in decreasing the lower backache. The stretching of muscles may decrease pain in associated muscles and prevent slouching and bending.3,4,5 

6. Benefits of Ustrasana in relieving hernia 

A hernia is associated with weak muscles, stress, anxiety, weight gain, muscle strain, and indigestion. Ustrasana is potentially beneficial in decreasing anxiety, stress, improving digestion and other factors mentioned above. Therefore, practising ustrasana, in presence of certified yoga trainer, may help in core strengthening the core and relief from stomach and intestinal hernia.8 

7. Other benefits of Ustrasana: 

  • It may help relieve headaches by increasing the blood flow to the brain.8 
  • It may help manage asthma as it works on frontal region of the body that may help relax and tone the airways.8 
  • It may help in relieving anxiety and fatigue by eliminating muscular tension, thus relaxing the body.5 
  • It may help in opening the heart chakra, Anahata – located behind the heart. It is the energy center for love, compassion, and care which allows the energy to flow freely and helps us operate in thoughtful manner.5 
  • It may help in building confidence by improving posture and bumping our energy.4 

Risks of Exercise 

The camel pose or ustrasana should be performed keeping the risks and contraindications in mind. 

  • Camel pose should be avoided by the person having sensitive knees, as it can cause discomfort and unnecessary pressure.3 
  • Avoid going to the deep position until your body is flexible enough to perform it. Take time and practice Ustrasana with some variations and props to avoid discomfort in the beginning.  Respect the limitation of your body and work slowly to avail maximum benefits. 5 
  • People with injuries of the neck, shoulder, or back should wait for the injury to heal before performing ustrasana.5 
  • Avoid straining if your hands cannot reach the heels. Use a block or a chair for support instead.5 
  • Do not assume the final pose suddenly, as it can strain the neck and lower back and may lead to pain and injury.4  
  • It should be avoided in patients who have undergone abdominal surgery recently. 


Ustrasana or camel pose is a more convenient backbend yoga pose that may help strengthen muscles and maintain breathing. It is a flexible pose with variations that can be attained using props and different arm positions. Ustrasana is a mild form of postural exercise that, when practiced, induces deeper relaxation. It is important to learn this yoga asana under the supervision of trained yoga professional.  

Frequently Asked Questions 

What is Ustrasana? 

Ustrasana is a chest-opening backbend yoga that stretches the front body. It is usually performed on the knees with thighs vertical to the mat. The spine, chest and neck are elongated and twisted backwards.4,5 

What are the benefits of Ustrasana? 

The potential benefits of Ustrasana include relaxing the body, opening the thoracic and abdominal cavity, and strengthening the muscles. It may help in improving asthma, hernia, headache, and lower back pain.2,5,7  

Why is Ustrasana called camel pose? 

The Ustrasana is a combination of two Sanskrit words named namely “ustra” and “asana”. Ustra in Sanskrit refers to the camel. The backward twisting of the spine holding the heels in Ustrasana resembles the camel position and is therefore often referred to as the camel pose.3 

What are the contraindications of Ustrasana? 

Ustrasana should be avoided in patients suffering from knee, chest or shoulder injuries. It should also be avoided by those who underwent abdominal surgery recently.5 

What is Ardh-Ustrasana? 

Ardh ustrasana or half-camel pose is a variation of ustrasana, which involves only one hand touching the heel while the other is facing towards the sky.5  


  1. Jayasinghe SR. Yoga in cardiac health (a review). European Journal of Preventive Cardiology. 2004 Oct 1;11(5):369-75. Available from: 
  1. Halder DK. Part 1: Concept of Ustrasana according to Yoga and Spiritual Lore. Part 2: Energy Expenditure During Ustrasana; A Yogic Back Bending Posture (M.Sc. dissertation), 2006. Available from:  
  1. Hutton, C., Rogers, R. and Doan, J. Benefits of yoga pranayama, asana, and meditation techniques for classically trained singers and voice educators (Doctoral dissertation, Arizona State University), 2014. Available from:  
  1. YJ Editors. Camel Pose: How to Practice Ustrasana – Yoga Journal. October 29, 2021.  
  1. Pizer, A. How to Do Camel Pose (Ustrasana) in Yoga Proper Form, Variations, and Common Mistakes, 2020. Available from:  
  1. Owerko, C. 7 Heart-Freeing Camel Pose Variations- Yoga Journal. August 2, 2017. Available from:  
  1.  Staff, G.  Ustrasana: Camel pose,2019. Available from: 
  1. Kumar, K. Pragya Yoga. 164-166; Vol: 11, No: 1 Available from:  

Disclaimer: The information included at this site is for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment by a healthcare professional. Because of unique individual needs, the reader should consult their physician to determine the appropriateness of the information for the reader’s situation.

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